SciFi Hive Administration

Learn how to administer your SciFi Hive subscription and set up SciFi Hive Swarms.

1. Get started

Go to to start administering your swarms.

Get started
2. Login

Enter in your Email and Password and click on Ok.

If you haven't yet created a password, enter your Email and click on "Reset Password" and a password reset link will be sent to your email.

3. Google Login

Alternatively you can use your Google ID to login as long as your Google email is a registered SciFi Hive user.

Google Login
4. Your Subscription

Welcome to the "Administration Console".

When you first come in, there isn't much here but we'll walk you through setting up your first swarm in a minute.

First let's take a look at your subscription by clicking on the first item in the Administration tree (Name of your subscription).

On this screen you can manage your subscription and see the history of subscription purchases.

Your Subscription
5. Update your subscription name

If you want to change the name of your subscription, enter in a new subscription name and click on "Update".

Update your subscription name
6. Manage your subscription

Click on the "Manage Subscription" button to open a new window to manage your subscription on the Stripe Payment platform.

Manage your subscription
7. Admin Permissions

Click on the "Admin Permissions" tab to adjust who can administer Swarms in your subscription.

By default you will be the owner and your access cannot be removed.

Admin Permissions
8. Add or Remove an administrator

Click on the "Add" button to add a new administrator and enter their email in the Email box.

Add or Remove an administrator
New User
Save your changes
Remove administrator
9. Click on "Swarms"
Let's start creating your first Swarm.
Click on "Swarms"
10. Right Click on the Swarms folder and click on "Add Swarm"
Right Click on the Swarms folder and click on "Add Swarm"
11. New Swarm Created

You will now have a "New Swarm" created in the Administration tree.

Click on the "New Swarm" to configure your settings.

New Swarm Created
11.1. Configure Swarm

Update the Swarm Name, Description, Maximum participants, and optionally choose an image for your swarm.

Be sure to click on "Save Changes" when you're done.

Configure Swarm
11.2. What is SciFi Hive Global Settings

This tab holds settings for the management of a Global SciFi Hive event.

Global SciFi Hives are always done in partnership with SciFi therefore these settings aren't available unless you've partnered with us to hold a global event.

If you're interested in partnering with us on a global event, please contact

What is SciFi Hive Global Settings
12. Expand your swarm

Next thing is to click on the down arrow next to your new Swarm and start setting up your Swarm details.

Expand your swarm
Set up Sessions
13. Configure participants

Click on the Participants item in the Administration tree under your Swarm.

Configure participants
13.1. Export Participants

Sometimes the easiest way to add a large number of participants is to create them in Excel or Google Sheet and upload a CSV file.

The best way to do this is to first use the "Export" button to create a blank CSV file to get started.

Export Participants
13.2. Update CSV

Now, open the CSV file in an editor of your choice and update as needed and save the csv file.

Note: Be sure to leave the header row (row 1) as is.

Fill in the template fields as follows with 1 row for each participant:

  • email - enter the email address
  • name - enter the full name for
  • country - enter a country (optional)
  • hive - name of the hive (or team) they will participate in (we generally try to keep teams in the 5-10 members range
  • role - this can be
  • Participant - most people will be this role
  • Queen Bee - there should be 1 Queen Bee in each hive with some prior experience with the platform
  • Facilitator - these are not active participants in hives but rather jump from hive to hive expanding thinking
  • Beekeeper - there should be 1 beekeeper that runs the whole swarm

Update CSV
13.3. Import Participants

Now your ready to import the updated file. Click on Import.

Import Participants
13.3.1. Choose file

Choose the file you updated and click "Open"

Choose file Import

Make sure you haven't changed the header row, ensure the "First row is a header row" is checked and click on "Import".

13.4. Imported

All of your participants should now be in the list. You can also add participants right in the interface by using the "Add" button.

13.5. Add Participant(s)

Email is a required field an you should enter that first.

After you enter the email, the system will check to see if they are already a registered SciFi Hive user.

If they are, it will automatically fill in the Name and Country details and you will be unable to edit them but will need to set their Role.

If they aren't, you can then add their Name and Country and set their Role.

Note: Make sure you add your Beekeeper as they will need to attend the sessions to run the swarm (their interface is much different than the participant interface)

Add Participant(s)
13.6. Remove Participant(s)

To remove a participant, click the checkbox beside their name and then click the "Remove" button.

Remove Participant(s)
13.7. Save changes

Be sure to click on "Save" to save any changes you've made.

Save changes
14. Statistics

In a SciFi Hive, it's very important to have a diverse group of participants.

The statistics tab currently shows country diversity but may expand with more meta data in the future if we determine participants are willing to extend out that information.

15. Setup Hives (aka Teams)

Click on the "Hives" item in the Administration tree to view/edit/update the hives. Hives are the smaller teams that breakout during a session.

We recommend a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 participants in a hive. Any less and you lose diverse collaboration, any more and you can't move as quickly.

Setup Hives (aka Teams)
Add Hives
Remove Hive
Assign Participants
16. Adjust Hive Members

Click on the "Hive Members" item to view and adjust the hive members.

Adjust Hive Members
16.1. Drag and Drop members

On this screen you can drag and drop members however you want between hives and the unassigned list.

Remember, the goal is to get as diverse of hives as possible.

Drag and Drop members
17. Ready to Swarm

That's all there is to setting up a Swarm. Now you can go to and log in with one of your participant ID's.

Ready to Swarm