What is a SciFi Hive™?

The science behind science-fiction

The SciFi Hive™ methodology is an innovative process designed to help associations, organizations and companies envision a new future without limits.  Research shows that hands-on, hive-mind brainstorming work produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the potential new world and its possibilities.
SciFi (Science Fiction) – Is a genre of speculative fiction that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. It has been called the “literature of ideas”, and often explores the potential consequences of scientific, social, and technological innovations.
Hive Mind – A shared or group intelligence that emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of many individuals and appears in consensus of decision making.

Hive mind strongly contributes to the shift of knowledge and power from the individual to the collective.

SciFi Hive™ Swarm Platform

Now you can use the revolutionary SciFi Hive™ platform to lead your diverse group of members through our step by step journey, along with my memoji, to build your organizations utopian future vision.

Start your free trial today with 10 free attendee credits!

We can help

Don’t want to go it alone, talk to us today about a beekeeper led SciFi Hive™ swarm.

1 - Book a consult to discuss your needs

2 - Set a date and engage your members

3 - We take care of the rest to create a new future together

Talk to us today!

or…Get Training

Take our exclusive instructor led online training and learn to be a beekeeper using our platform.

1 - Add yourself to the waiting list to get course information and dates

2 - Actively participate in the course with a diverse group

3 - Get certified to lead SciFi Hive™ swarms for your organizations or others

Certification waitlist

See some of the BUZZ

Tim Merryweather
Tim Merryweather
Cape Town, South Africa
I absolutely loved it! I really enjoy the challenge to conventional thinking and the creativity that results! I had a lot of fun in the time but it would have been cool to be a bit longer! I can see something like that working really well to spark innovation in a business! Or at least get people having the right conversations.
Joumana Rahime
Joumana Rahime
Nashville, Tennessee, USA
One of the best sessions that I attended during the ExO summit! Very inspirational and great tool to help us envision the future!
Chris O'Brien
Chris O'Brien
Johannesburg, South Africa
It was brilliant, really changed the way I look at problems and how I tackle them. The chance to tell a story with a group of people also makes it more personal. In short it was epic!
Niki Faldemolaei
Niki Faldemolaei
San Diego, California, USA
This was a highlight session in the 3-day, mind-blowing event. Talk about engagement! I actually made decisions about my moonshot by going through this exercise and made friends in relatd fields. Thank Ken Merkel for facilitating greatness!
Paul Diepenbroek
Paul Diepenbroek
Cape Town, South Africa
I had an awesome experience of the SciFi Hive session. Appreciating that we needed more time for completion, the time we spent storming ideas and creating a vision of the future was wonderful. Thank you for your facilitation.

Past Projects

Bulgaria Airports
Fit4Future is a massive project in which we involved the whole company to define the future of our airports in Bulgaria. We looked 20 years ahead to define how our airports should look like in the future and how we should create it ourselves. Fit4Future is a project with different elements. Our start was a very playful one - creation of comic strips showing travel stories in 2040, including what kind of airport experience we expect and what kind of technology will exist at the airports. For this element of the project, we invited 25 external partners and more than 100 employees, divided into 13 teams.
Flagstaff County
Flagstaff County
The future is flagstaff
The Future is Flagstaff is a new community initiative that Flagstaff County Economic Development will roll out starting this March with the hopes of attracting 100+ Flagstaff residents from age 15 and up willing to share their vision of where they see the region in the future.