Create your sci-fi future without limits

A unique experience where your members use their imaginations to transport themselves 20 years into the future

Premium Workshop Signup

Book Workshop

It all starts with booking a meeting with our SciFi Hive™ team. We guarantee that this will be one of the best investments your organization will make this year.
Book a date and time to discuss the Premium process in greater detail with someone on our team
Choose a theme for the future that your organization to create

Engage Your Organization

Times have changed on how we engage with our people.  This workshop is a unique way for you to interact online with your organization and come up with something extremely valuable for you and your company. It’s not just about creating the future, it’s about creating it together.
Communicate internally with your staff and pick your teams for the workshop
SciFi Hive™ will not only first introduce what this is but they will run a quick Awakening session to showcase many of the new technologies about to disrupt the world


In order to dive into the future and imagine your organizations’ future in 20 years, everybody needs to take a look at the technology advancements upon us so they can think past their normal constraints and create future truly without limits. This is a journey everyone needs to go on.
Each staff member will be tasked with researching technology that may disrupt your company, market or industry


Bee warned, the experience you are about to embark on may change the way you think about the future forever. The Swarm stage of this process is broken up into two jam-packed half-day sessions completely online.  This is where all the fun and creativity comes to life with everybody highly engaged creating their own version of a future. 

Tools you use: Google Meets, Google Slides

Methodologies and Processes: Futurescaping, Backcasting, Storylining

Storyline Futures

After multiple sessions of futurescaping, backcasting and storylining, each team will have created their own unique future.  We then take that future and hand it over to our professional graphic artist to create a comic book version of those stories your company created.  Yes, a professional comic book depicting each storyline created.
Multiple future sci-fi storylines 20 years from now that your company created together
A unique online experience for your people

Next Steps

Imagining the future is just the start. Once you dream up all those new sci-fi futures, what do you do next? Great question, just like many of our other clients there is a way to turn those 20 year futures into a reality today.  But first, let’s get you started imagining your future of tomorrow.