Platform Training

The first thing you need to do before you get going is get logged in.  See our Get Started tutorial to begin.

There are several options for training including videos, step by step instructions, and formal certifications depending on the role you will play in the SciFi Hive.


As the Beekeeper, your role is to run the SciFi Hive swarm. The interface is made to allow you to easily follow and track the flow from the start to the end of the SciFi hive as well as provides instructions for each step along the way.


Administering a SciFi Hive
Beekeeper Interface


Beekeeper Certification


Your role is to work with the hives and the Beekeeper to expand the participants thinking and help them overcome their own biases. During the SciFi hive, you will be able to move back and forth between the different hives to cross pollinate ideas, expand thinking, remove barriers, and facilitate collaboration.


Facilitator Interface

Queen Bee

You play a vital role in ensuring the success of a SciFi hive. Your role includes helping others find their way around and use the interface, faciliate discussion and collaboration, keep the hive on time as they work through each section, help expand thinking along with the Facilitators and Beekeeper, watch for opportunities to incorporate adjacent technologies or business models


Queen Bee Interface


As a SciFi Hive participant, you’ll be led by a Beekeeper through several SciFi Hive sections as you develop a Hero’s journey story about an unlimited future as you collaborate within a small team called a Hive as well as with all of the participants.


Participant Interface
Adding images from Google Images to your comic prototype