Beekeeper Certification

Our Beekeeper Certification is designed to introduce participants to the process of setting up and facilitating a SciFi Hive™ Swarm.

You'll learn how to facilitate a Swarm using the SciFi Hive™ platform from start to finish...
everything from configuration to results in just 9 weeks part time, all online.

Beekeeper Certification Course

Our Beekeeper Certification course is designed to introduce participants to the process of setting up and facilitating a SciFi Hive™ Swarm using the novel aproach to future collaboration.  It’s proven to shift to exponential mindsets, deliver practical tools and create disruptive opportunities to empower participants in becoming professionals in transformative change in an organization. Through a structured 9-week program, participants will receive hands-on experience in configuring the platform, facilitating all stages of a SciFi HiveTM, building connections with innovative leaders, develop important leadership and facilitation skills, and develop results presentations and speaking skills.   Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a Beekeeper certification.

Course Structure

1-4 hours of class instruction/week, 4-8 hours of homework time

Week 0 - Introduction

Participants will get signed into the platform, complete some self paced learning about the administrative console, and walk through the participant platform.  You will then shift from the Google Meet to the SciFi Hive™ Platform where all future classes will be held.

Week 1 - Roles and Interfaces

Participants will complete some pre-reading, learn about the different roles and terms, view the welcome presentation, and meet as a hive to get to know each other and determine what topic they will focus on to run a SciFi Hive™ of their own in week 7.

Week 2 - Exploration

Participants will be provided an “Awake” session around exponential growth, change, and technology and then practice exploration inside the platform.  Homework this week will be to continue exploration in their topic space from Week 1 and connect with experts in the space.

Week 3 - Brainstorming and Story Outline

Share your learnings from week 2 and using what you learned during exploration, start brainstorming as a team your utopian future for the topic area. 

Learn about the hero’s journey story structure and begin building your story.

Week 4 - Prototyping

Share your story outline from week 3 then finalize your story and build your comic prototype.

Week 5-6 - SciFi Hive™ prepartion

Share your comic prototype then start preparing to run your own SciFi Hive™ as a team.  By week 7 you’ll have invited participants to join your SciFi Hive™ and each team member will participate in running the SciFi Hive™ and gathering insights during the SciFi Hive™.

Week 7 - Run SciFi Hive™

This week your planning in weeks 5&6 will come to fruition as you run a real SciFi hive™ in your topic space (either as a global challenge or with one of the teams organizations).

Week 8 - Results

Discuss and do a retrospective on the SciFi Hive™ event and learn about developing a results presentation.  This includes how to find a comic artist to create your comic, developing organizational and people focused programs, determining the innovation stars from the SciFi Hive™, and defining potential initiatives from the resulting stories. Additionally you’ll discuss next steps to making the 20 year out vision a reality.

Week 9 - Final presentation

Present your results presentation to your coach and the participants in the SciFi Hive™ (as well as any additonal stakeholders/experts involved)

Week 10 - Retrospective

Receive final feedback from the instructor and provide feedback about the course.


The Beekeeper certification is available to groups as small as 5 and because it’s delivered online it doesn’t matter where you’re located as long as participants have access to an internet connection a computer and a modern browser. The program is an intense program that will require 4-6 hours of effort each week for participants plus 1-2 hours of class time during the week.

Join the waitlist

New classes begin whenever we have the minimum number of participants.  Sign up below to be notified of the next certification course.

Technologies about to disrupt

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Nano Technology
Quantum Computing
Virtual Reality
3D Printing
Renewable Energy
Internet of Things (IoT)
Space Travel
Autonomous Cars
Anti Aging
Wearable Tech
Neural Machine Interface
Genetic Engineering

Energy Storage

Vertical Farming

Digital Twin

Books to read

Start with Exponential Organizations, which lays out the attributes shared by the world’s fastest-growing companies.

Salim Ismail, OpenExO

Continue with The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which lays out the economic affects disruptive technology will do on a global scale.
Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum
Finally read The Future is Faster Than You Think, which provides a futurist view of what the future may look like with all this new technology hitting the market.

Peter Diamandis, Singularity University and XPrize