Built upon the ExO Sprint methdolology that has been used by thousands of people all over the world to help traditional companies evolves their business models. The methodology was published in a book called Exponential Transformation and it consists of a 10 week process. Even though the ExO Sprint is a worldwide validated methodology, nowadays with the demands for speed and lower costs, it’s necessary to do much quicker changes.
Adapting the ExO Sprint to execute in an express 5-day process:
Pre Sprint:
Participant selection: Find a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 12 people in the company to participate in the process (once you read the instructions below you will have a clearer vision of the number and people who should participate – I always recommend that the CEO takes part).
Number and type of teams: The methodology can work with one team, but you can create as many as you wish. Something fundamental is that the teams must be ExO Edge type (focused on finding new business models) and the type of initiative that you create should be ExO Edge Linked (New types of business models using existing assets of the company).
Training: The participants should invest 2 to 4 hours to learn about the the Exponential Organization Model (ExO).
The Express Sprint: The fundamental idea is how to use the complete ExO Sprint process as a starting point and execute only the first half (weeks 1 to 5), doing the work thought out for each week in only one day as follows:
Explore (day 1): The current context and trends are analyzed and you look for initiatives that are taking place in your industry or adjacent industries to get inspired.
Ideate (day 2): Several innovative ideas are brainstormed in each team to re-invent the current business model.
Share (day 3): Experiments are taken place to evaluate and improve the ideas with the learning’s received.
Select (day 4): The best ideas are chosen and prepared to present them internally to the company.
Disrupt (day 5): The ideas are presented; feedback is collected from the external disruptors and a plan of action is defined to develop them.
Post Sprint: Our recommendation is to launch and develop these new disruptive ideas outside the current business, in a linked way, to avoid the organization’s immune system attacking these new businesses. Look to the 10X accelerated delivery service to help you execute on these new ideas.
External Support: The complete methodology is public and with particular adaptations to the current circumstances, so it can be executed by any company. In any case, I totally recommend certified ExO Coaches that will correctly accompany and guide you through the transformation path. Unlimit is an exclusive Open ExO partner.
If during the last years, transformation of companies has been a key factor, right now, more than ever, it’s imperative that companies evolve responding urgently to the new global circumstances. The Express Sprint presents a way to shift any company in only 5 days. Furthermore, remember that in these moments we don’t only have the obligation to save our businesses, but we also have the opportunity to discover new business models, reinventing and preparing ourselves for the upcoming future of opportunities. And in this sense, remember what Abraham Lincoln used to say: “The best way to predict your future is to create it”.
Let’s build the future together!
Contact us to book an express sprint today